Memorial Garden
A perpetutal resting place
Blessed ground in the Christian faith and open to the community.
Columbarium for Human Cremains
Each niche will hold two urns. Each urn is brass and has an engraved name plate. A stone faceplate encloses the niche and can be removed for additional engraving.
Other options are available.
Details below.
Columbarium for Pet Cremains
Niches are small and larger. A niche may hold more than one urn, depending on the size of the urn. There is also a common area for urns rather than an individual niche.
A name plate for the Pet Remembrance Board will engraved after the owner has completed the form.
Details below.

our Mission
The Mission of the St. Paul's Memorial Garden is provide a final resting place for individuals and beloved animals in a serene and well maintained environment.

Human Cremains
The cost for a niche is $1,000 per person and each niche will hold two urns. Urns must be purchased through St. Paul’s. Thye are perfectly sized to fit in the niche. Homecoming, Inc is the vendor for the urns and engraving. The urn is brass with an engraved nameplate. Each niche has an engraved stone faceplate. The urn is of brass is included with the price of the urn. The stone faceplate is not included and the cost is about $250. The turn-around time for these items is a matter of days when necessary.
Interment in the columbarium may include a very short service of commendation provided by St. Paul’s or the family may provide its own words.
A full service held in the nave (sanctuary) is available and can be arranged with the priest.
The Columbarium is accessible 24 hours a day.

Pet Cremains
The bench-seat style pet columbarium niche is designed as follows.
A large niche is 7x7x24 inches. A small niche is 4.25 by 5.25 x 14. Each will hold more than one urn, as pet urns are often small. Each niche has a rock bottom of pea gravel and 2 sides of gray concrete and 2 sides of plexiglass. The concrete top of the niche will hold the engraved name plate of the pet. Multiple name plates can be attached. Name plates are 2×3 and come in a variety of colors. The niches are covered by a 2-inch stone that forms the top of the bench seat.
The Board of Remembrance is located near the pet niches and a duplicate of the name plate that is on the niche will be plced on the board.
There is also a common niche that will hold numerous pet urns in a common space. The common space will have two levels of 7 x 12 and separated by a clear piece of plexiglass. A name plate will be placed on the Board of Remembrance and on the concrete top of the common niche.
Initial purchase of a large niche and initial interment…$250. For a smaller niche the cost is $225. Each interment of a pet after the initial purchase is $50. A pet owner may place an urn of more than one pet in a niche.
Interment of a pet in the common niche is $150 per urn.
Cost for 2 engraved name plates is $30. A form must be completed.
"No longer by my side, but forever in my heart."

Non-Niche Options Human Cremains
This is a common area for urns. The urn is purchased by the family and should fit in an area that is 5.7 x 11 x 25. The cost is $500 per person. A brass name plate is included and will be placed on the Rememberance Board.
Scattered Ashes
Ashes may be scattered in the Memorial Garden at the discretion of the priest. The cost is $400 per person. A brass nameplate is included and will be placed on the Remembrance Board.
The only options for interment of pet cremains are the niche and common area.
There are no in-ground burials.