Opportunities for Worship Leadership
As a liturgical church lay members participate fully in worship. Any one can be trained to serve at the altar. Here are opportunities available to everyone.
Reader/Lector—reads or leads the congregation in Holy Scripture and other readings.
Lay Eucharistic Minister—distributes the Blood of Christ in the form of wine/grape juice during communion; leads the Prayers of the People.
Acolyte—lights the candles prior to the service, assist the priest in the preparation of the Eucharist, and extinguishes the candles at the end of the service.
Offeratory Presenters—bring the offering of bread, wine and plate to the priest.
Usher—helps seat parishioners and visitors, assist with the collection of money during the offertory, and counts the number in attendance.
Greeter— welcomes individuals to worship.
Digital Worship Assistant—the service is viewed via a projector. The “pages” must be “turned” electronically for the congregation.
Kitchen Crew—fellowship takes place after the service and help is needed to set up and clean up.
Altar Guild—a group of people who prepare the altar and Eucharist each Sunday and clean up after. They also assist with special services like baptisms, funerals and weddings or worship events like Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Pentecost, Christmas and Easter.
Music Team–a group of musicians including a violinist and guitarist provide music for services. All choristers and instrumentalists are welcome.